Last week was our Print & PDI of the Year night. The results will be announced at the Presentation Night later this month.
Also last week members were issued with Annual Reports from our Office Bearers in advance of our AGM. These reports give details of the myriad of tasks involved in running our club. This past season has seen our move to Trinity Church, we have enjoyed some excellent events, internal and external competitions have been a valuable source of learning, and our website has been updated. A welcome change this season is the recovery of Prints, production of which ceased in our community during the pandemic.
As we approach our A.G.M. it’s worth remembering that Falkirk C.C. is a member of Falkirk Arts Network, the Glasgow & District Photographic Union, the Scottish Photographic Federation, the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain and the Fédération Internationale d’le Art Photographique. We often contribute to their operations, are guided by their conventions and regulations, participate in their exhibitions and competitions and provide and have access to lecturers, competition judges and tutors. This all provides a significant resource for our Club members.
Membership and community groups like ourselves exist because of volunteers. The numerous tasks involved require skills transferable from, and to, the workplace so as we approach the end of our season we have been thanking everyone who has volunteered their services over the past year. Some arrive long before the start of any event to help prepare the hall, others look after new members / lecturers and judges while more take care of catering and people stay behind afterwards to tidy up. Similarly valuable is the knowledge of more experienced, sometimes longstanding, club members.
Next week we welcome David Gilliver and enter a world where surreal light-sculptures inhabit familiar landscapes with his Magical Art of Light Painting. In David’s Little People project stems of broccoli appear as large as trees and watermelon pips are as big as boulders. This mix of long exposure photography and macro photography promises to provide a fascinating evening.
Take care and thanks for looking in.