Falkirk Camera Club and the Scottish Salon
Introduction to the Scottish Salon
Founded in 1904, the Scottish Salon, organised by the Scottish Photographic Federation, is one of the oldest salons in the world. It is Scotland’s only International Salon with both Print and Projected Digital Image (previously Slide) sections, and one which has gained patronage from FIAP and PSA.
The Salon has received international recognition from the Photographic Society of America (PSA) for many years, and has had ‘Federation lnternationale de l’Art Photographique’ (FIAP) patronage continually for every Salon run since 1970. The Salon has had work submitted by authors from, in recent years, approximately fifty countries around the world. Indeed, in 2016 the Salon received a new record total of 9,419 prints and PDIs from 56 Countries around the world.
The Salon has six sections (3 Print and 3 PDI – each with Monochrome, Colour and Nature categories) which are judged in-camera by a total of nine judges including a panel of dedicated nature photographers for the Nature sections. The competition has numerous individual awards but also has several Club awards.
The accepted entries are then exhibited to the general public for two to three weeks during May/June. An A4 colour catalogue is produced and sent to all of the entrants.
FCC and the Scottish Salon
Falkirk Camera Club members have been regular entrants to the Scottish Salon since the Club’s creation in 1957. Indeed members of FCC’s ancestor Clubs were also submitting images to the Salon and some gained acceptances. Possibly one of the most successful was John P Munn who had several acceptances in the Salons of 1935,36 and 39. (See youtube video ).
Perhaps the earliest FCC member to have an acceptance was Dr J J McMurray with The Artist in 1959. Unfortunately, at this time, no further records of FCC’s success in the Salon between 1960 and 1986 have been found – but if anyone has any information for this period then please let the FCC Historian know. Similarly for the years 1997 to 2004.
In addition to Acceptances, several FCC members have gained an Award. The full list of successful FCC entries is shown in the table below.
Furthermore there are two Galleries on the FCC website showing some of the successful images – one for Acceptances and the other for Award winners. These can be accessed by the links below :
Salon Acceptances Salon Acceptances Gallery Salon Award Winners Gallery
The Future
The future of the Scottish Salon is dependent upon SPF finding sufficient volunteers and a hosting member club to run it. However, providing the Salon runs then, no doubt, Falkirk Camera Club members will continue to submit entries worthy of acceptance.